Spine Deck Neck Stretcher (Cervical) – 4 Effective Ways To Improve Your Neck Pain

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Neck Pain is a common problem that can be caused by many different things. It is important to first assess the underlying cause of your neck pain and then figure out what treatment options are best for you. Do not use directly this Spine Deck Neck Stretcher first.  

  • Symptoms can include stiffness, tingling, numbness, or burning sensations in the neck and shoulders.
  • You may also feel a sharp pain when you turn your head to either side
  • If your symptoms last longer than two weeks without relief from over-the-counter medication or other treatments such as heat therapy or chiropractic treatment then it’s time to see a doctor. Or else,


Spine Deck Neck Stretcher for Neck Pain Relief

It’s time to stop suffering from neck pain. Just 10 minutes of stretching and releasing tension each day with the spine deck neck stretcher will make all your problems go away! The acupressure dots running along with the cervical vertebra massager target pressure points, relieving stress in a few short moments for head tilts.

  • Before starting any work-out, it is important to start with a 5-10 minute warm up session. Please be aware of your health condition (eg-pre-existing injuries, existing medical conditions) and take care not to overexert yourself. 
  • Make sure your floor and spine deck neck stretcher are in good condition. Install the device on the floor then put the device on behind the lower back.
  • Lie down slowly lying on your back on the spine deck neck stretcher. Get regular exercise 10 minutes a day to keep your muscles healthy. When leaving the spine deck, stand sideways, support your arms, and slowly.
How to use Spine Deck Neck Stretcher
  • Consider getting a posture corrector with a sensor if you spend most of your time at a desk or computer.

Here are 4 effective ways that you can improve your cervical neck massager at home

1. Gentle stretch to warm up before using Spine Deck Neck stretcher

Gentle stretch to warm up before using Spine Deck Neck stretcher

Gently stretch your arm to work out the kinks and get ready for your workouts for better posture before each session! First, use one hand to gently pull on the opposite side of whichever limb you are stretching. Hold it there for 10 seconds then switch sides and repeat 3 times per limb.”

2. Bum Up Hold for 10 seconds, Repeat 8-10 times x 3 sets

Bum up

Lie down on the floor and extend your legs out in front of you. Use a mat or towel on the ground to make sure that there is no discomfort when performing this exercise. Align your toes with the rest of your body, then relax any tension that builds up in other muscles as well. Lift the bum up for 10 seconds,  hold for ten seconds before relaxing back into position for another 10-second hold, six times total per set; repeat three sets each time you perform it!

3. Vertical Leg Crunches (30 sec)  Rest 30 sec

Lie on your back, but the spine deck down and let your neck rest onto a neck stretcher. Raise both legs up, perpendicular to the ground, and Hold for 30 seconds while focusing on how well you feel with gravity pulling downward through your body’s centerline as you lie flat. Take a break from holding to breathe deeply before starting again!

Vertical leg

Raise both of your legs so they’re perpendicular to the ground. Keep them together and extend them out in front of you, then bend at the knees slightly if needed for flexibility but work on straightening those legs over time! You can keep your ankles crossed or not- whatever is more comfortable when trying this pose.

Tip: Avoid rounding your back by keeping your lower spine flat on the ground.

Once you’re in a good position with your legs elevated,  breathe in and brace your abs by contracting them while lifting up from the ground as if climbing stairs before rolling back down into a roll-out so that there is no space between the lower back and floor.

4. Flutter Kicks (1 min) Rest 30 sec

flutter kicks

Flutter kicks are a simple exercise that can be done lying on your back with your head and shoulders slightly off the ground over a posture corrector. The cervical muscles, lower abdominal muscles, and hip flexors all get worked in this series of quick up-and-down leg movements. It is important to maintain tension as you alternate lifting one foot while bringing the other closer towards it at a good pace for 1 minute before resting 30 seconds then increasing time if desired!

Neck pain and back pain are some of the most common reasons for people to seek medical care, and it may be due in part to poor posture. Symptoms can include stiffness, tingling, numbness, or burning sensations in your neck and shoulders. You might feel a sharp pain when you turn your head to either side as well. If these symptoms last longer than two weeks without relief from over-the-counter medication or other treatments such as chiropractic treatment then it’s time to see a doctor. Here are 5 effective ways that you can improve your cervical spine at home:   1) Get up slowly 2) Exercise 3) Use heat 4) Take breaks during prolonged sitting 5) Lose weight if necessary.

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